The Daily Antics of a Hopeless Meanderer
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I find it sometimes difficult to remember to update all these sites of creative outlet, especially when there are big events in my life to detail--with the exception of Facebook, which I’ve recently had an unhealthy obsession with. I keep connected through text, phone, e-mail, internet, letters/postcards/, blogging because I fear that I’ll be forgotten without the cushion of proximity. But no matter what the means, I’ve learned over the past two days that the people closest in my life, though physically residing far away, will always be there for me to express and share my joys, and in return, I hope to share in theirs.
Monday, June 09, 2008
The Belle of the ball
Three weekend trips and 20+ hours of plane delays later, I’m back to what could never really be called a normal routine. There were a lot of joyous events to attend, and though the feeling of exhaustion invades microscopically into my very core, I’m happy. My baby sister graduated from college this weekend, and I’m proud of her every achievement. For she is everything that I am not, sociable and exciting, gregarious and unintimidated of anyone or anything she encounters. Although we outwardly joke that without the genetic sibling tie we could never be friends or even casual acquaintances, covertly we know it’s true. So I’m very thankful that as fate would have it, we’re forced to love each other.