A weekend worth remembering
I was asked early this morning by my boss if I had had a good weekend, to which I automatically replied yes, without much thought. It was only after a long pause and an expectant expression that I realized I was supposed to follow that up with an example or two to qualify my answer. At that moment, my brain became a slurry of goo; all synapses must have been extinguished, because nothing was firing at all. I could not, from a fundamental base, answer the most simple question in the world. We had to embarrassingly move on to another topic. It was definitely not a shining moment for showcasing my intellectual capability, especially in the presence of a neurosurgeon.But… to follow that up, since I am replaying that scene in my head like the first time I saw Matthew McConaughey shirtless in a movie , I did have a great weekend. Friday, I had sushi from a new place and discovered a new appreciation for the mixture of spicy mayo and Tobiko roe, and followed that up with what must be considered the antithesis of Japanese cuisine—a softball game that ended in a verbal fist fight and forfeit.
Saturday I finally indulged myself in a day at the spa, in preparation for the upcoming trip to the Bahamas. Again, contrarily converse, the afternoon was followed up with the purchase of a new tennis racket. That evening, we went to a local outdoor opera performance, and then to a party at a friend’s home where he served us Vietnamese infused cuisine and wonderfully sugary cake.
Sunday—slept in (until 8AM), went to the office to finish some projects, and was pampered with deliciously deep fried tacos, and I didn’t have to clean up afterwards. All in all, a memorable weekend that I couldn’t remember.
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