Thursday, June 16, 2005

Speaking of my morning rant... News Article "Geese Peace", sheesh.

Geese make a miserable hissing sound when provoked. I’ve obviously provoked many a goose in my lifetime to be aware of this fact. This morning I ran unsuspectingly into an entire flock of very agitated geese during my morning jog through Forest Park. The long craned necks, the shifty marble grey eyes, the intense wing span, it was all too much for me. I dodged quickly and embarrassingly admit, ran like a girl.

Anyone who has ever spent much time frolicking in parks or summers in marching band can tell you that these are not docile creatures that would ever been seen in a petting zoo.

Anyways, I think this very justified fear stems from childhood. But, according to any accredited psychiatric mind, what psychosis doesn’t? It’s hilarious when my dad tells the story, embellishing on minor details such as my running stance when I little and its eerie resemblance to a duck waddle. Imagine, if you will, an ambiguously dressed toddler hands deep in side overall pockets, waddling across a park. Add an angry, full-bodied mother goose sweeping and dive-bombing close behind, and it is actually a very comical picture. I see now why everyone always gets a good laugh at my expense.

Monday, June 13, 2005

I've now unofficially scheduled in the hours of 01:30-03:30 as "lay in bed and worry about stupid stuff" time. It doesn't matter how much sleep I got the night before, what time I go to bed, my state of exhaustion/inexhaustion, when the digital display reads 1:30, I know I'm expecting to not fall back asleep for at least an hour or more.

Even the lulling pitter patter of residual rooftop rain drops onto my air conditioner unit can't put me to sleep tonight.

The timing doesn't normally vary, but the subjects of worry vary widely like the section headers at a bookstore; from economics/business, faith and spirituality, to self-help and guidance.

It's easy enough to neglect such negligible things during the day, but the solitude of night has an uncanny way of compounding these afflictions.

It's not exactly a double-edged sword, as I find that there is some solace in being able to lay in bed unfettered, knowing that I don't have to be anywhere or do anything, but I think that it might be good to make use of these "lost" hours of the day constructively. So, suggestions for a new craft or good books are welcome.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

As I've now graduated and becoming increasingly dumber, I haven't the words to describe events anymore. Thus, I use pictures as a means of communication. There's a hodgepodge of events in this album: birthday, graduation and some from a wedding I went to two weekends ago.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Being out of school rocks. I've caught up on much of the reading that I've neglected for the past 22 months (the ever-growing pile of books that I buy and haven't read is slowly declining), started running again, and spent some very self-indulgent/nostalgic evenings cuddled up with Ben and Jerry and a couple seasons of Felicity. No more guilty sentiment over lost productivity time and how to squish 48 hours into one 24-hour period for me, whew!!