Tag! Eight Random Things
I've been tagged by Melissa
The rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
I’m always random (e.g. my haphazard outcries for social equality, disdain for propaganda, love of cheese)… so it shouldn’t be all that difficult to jauntily blog about at the first eight things that come to mind. So here goes:
1.) I’m at work on a Thursday morning after a mid-week holiday. Most people have expressed their discontent about this, but I actually thought it was rather refreshing to get a break. I’m in the middle of writing a letter to a, let’s say, well known research governing federal agency, and it’s nice to take a breather between paragraphs to express my own thoughts with a little less banality (although I suppose this determination should be left up to the reader). Looking up and away from my computer screen, I see photographs from the past commingling as clips of visual memories. I notice that in at least two photos I’m holding some amalgamation of ice cream, in cone or cup form. This represents 22% of the images. Somehow, this is not surprising, as it’s very probable that I’m eating ice cream 22% of the time I spend awake.
I think that was more than one random thought. I’ll try to stick to the rules.
2.) If memory serves, I think I may have already posted something similar. In fact, here it is . Most of these still hold true, even though it’s been almost two years since I first wrote that entry, and I feel that I’ve made significant changes in my life since then. I’m not the wayward child I once was, fresh out of school looking to redeem myself and seek stability. Now, at 26, it’s the newness and arena of open possibilities and promise that I’ve come to ardently cherish. This, ironically, is what keeps me young, even when these old bones begin to ache and creak as a reminder of the aging process every morning. But yes, hairy toes still freak me out. And you’ll still find me in a heap of laughter if I should every come across a dog in costume.
3.) Case in point for my ceaseless neurosis for wanting to please people, even if the activity, act, or idea is not exactly what I would do under my own volition or will. In the span of the last 42 hours, I have seen 1408, Live Free Die Hard, and Transformers. One psychological horror and two action movies, has completely rid me of any desire to watch anything involving hacking into military super-systems, apocalyptic, brink of world’s end plots, or anything, and I do mean anything, being blown up for a very very long time.
4.) My dreams are becoming increasingly unimaginative, and it worries me.
5.) I love baking too much to ever give it up for the sake of superficial physical injuries, but this two inch, second degree burn on the underside of my forearm begins to tell me otherwise, or at the very least, that I should get bigger oven mitts.
6.) I spent at least one and a half seconds of my life yesterday spelling PACMAN backwards. In no way was the thought prior to that related to spelling words backwards, or to the well cherished arcade game.
7.) Does anyone else in this world think that the new McDonald’s commercial with the girl clad in all white in the all-white room seductively eating a Big Mac is absolutely the most nauseatingly disgusting thing they’ve ever seen? Not that I did frequently before, but I seriously never want to patronize this fast food franchise ever again. I don’t think their intention was to dissuade people from eating there from their advertisement.
8.) It’s officially the second half of baseball season, and I’m actually beginning to get a little sad knowing that there will be months ahead with no updated stats, ballpark hotdogs, fold down seats, and anticipation of broken records.
I'm cheating a little (see rules 4 and 5), since I don't know enough people who blog to have them re-post. So if you read this, and blog, feel free to consider yourself tagged.