The Daily Antics of a Hopeless Meanderer
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
So much as happened in the last week that it's probably easier to just post pictures. So far, these are the pictures from the Cardinals' Game that our office went to.
Monday, May 09, 2005
It’s funny how it’s an almost welcome relief to be back at work, despite the dreary weather and the fact that it’s the oh so villanized Monday morning. And either it’s the combination of miniscule amounts of sleep and a frenzied past week or if it’s just merely the effects of this (new) old age, the subsequent consequences on a tired body are the same. But there are definitely no regrets; if I may so eloquently recap the last few days in terms of my seventh grade vernacular – it was awesome.I could not have planned a birthday if I had intended to do so, hence, it was even better that I hadn’t. Between the Scooby Doo birthday cake, my ice cream bouquet, the barber shop quartet-like serenades out in the early glimpse of morning, and the mere acknowledgement of my existence, there was not a more satisfied soul for that small splice of time.
In celebration of Mexican liberation as well as the pure appreciation for alcohol and all its subsidiaries, a group of friends came together Thursday to have a casual dinner and conversation. In retrospect, although it was quite a low-key evening, it was probably all for the better for a somewhat hungover post-birthday girl, and in knowing the hectic weekend that was to come.
Friday night was spent out in celebration of another’s presence here on earth, and so a grand birthday party was planned that involved a barbeque and a Cardinal’s game. Particularly of note, I learned of another St. Louis backyard tradition that isn’t related to pork loin steaks or ribs. I was taught (and played very miserably) a game of Washers, which quite aptly describes the act of throwing metal washers into a pvc pipe inside a wooden box. But of course the baseball game was the highlight of the night, even with a disappointing loss to those darn San Diego Padres (or Paders, as I’ve come to call them).
Foreshadowing what will probably become a normal event for the next couple of Saturdays in May for years to come, I went to wedding. It was beautiful in all of its sentiment and innocence, and I believe it was a happy occasion for all those lucky enough to be able to commemorate the love and faithful bond between the young couple.
And even though I wasn’t able to spend Mother’s Day with my mother, I am fortunate enough to have an incredibly caring boyfriend who allowed me to share the day with his family. And so the stifled yet incessant yawns that I’m experiencing today have no bearing on the events of the past few days because very rarely can I say that I wouldn’t have changed anything, and thus is the case.