Sunday, January 02, 2005

That darn infectious jitter bug

A five and a half hour train ride, followed by two hours of idle waiting in a station was surprisingly not entirely tedious and only slightly tiresome. I'm at home this weekend for Melissa's wedding; and was quite honored to be asked to play a piece for the ceremony. Last night was the rehearsal and then dinner. Being somewhat humbled after practicing the piece a couple times through with the organist, I admit to a strong case of stage fright that is not dissimilar to the anguish I used to feel about public speaking. Those days are long past, as it seems that given the right topic, I can speak exhaustively at length. But somehow I imagine most are not completely enraptured by the prospect of hour long lectures on spongiform encephalitis or whatever disease is the "hot topic" of the moment. Regardless of the air of nervousness and anticipation in the room last night, I'm sure that the effort in patchwork of so many people will make everthing flow together quite seamlessly. Today promises to be a momentous day for the young couple, and a wonderfully sentimental one for the family and friends who wish them all their best.


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