Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play

This ongoing thought was recently spurred once again by recent conversation. It is the idea that as we get older, we accrue histories and memories in the form of trundle baggage. It’s infinitely difficult to summon the willpower or initiative to shed the weight of recollected mementos of past experiences. And with each successive encounter, it gets increasingly harder to truly “know” a person because we haven’t experienced their cuts and scrapes of childhood and emotional bruises that have since healed. How much can you truly learn about a person second-hand, either from they themselves, or from others who have known them longer? So are we just doomed from the get-go if not fortunate enough to meet earlier?

True, society and culture have developed methods to get to know another person. It supposedly says a lot about personality depending on who your friends are, what your favorite color is, even as trifling as what you name your pet. But taken in perspective, what judgment would you or I make about a person who has four close friends from childhood, whose favorite color is green and has named his dog Sam?

Maybe it’s the little things that factor together to make a whole. “Bonding” moments usually come in the form of divulging little quirks like being scared of caterpillars, or obsessively disinfecting shopping carts before use. And so ultimately, though I’m not posing a right or wrong answer, I think that there may be a loophole; being that if given adequate time and situation, there is a possibility for true intimacy.


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