Monday, January 24, 2005

Badges of honor, red-handed offenders

Having lived in the general vicinity of Chicagoland for much of my childhood as well being an inhabitatant of St. Louis for over a year now, it came with unexpected realization that I had never actually seen anyone in the act of being arrested-- car tires getting slashed, possible transferring of illegal substances, solicitation by prositutes yes, but never the full "getting hand-cuffed and forcibly transported into a police vehicle ordeal". Until, that is... yesterday. The scene of the crime (or rather, where the culprit was apprehended) culminated on the intersection of Sarah and Westminster, approximately 200 feet from my destination in broad daylight, being that it was nearing noontime. In my very typically oblivious nature, I turned onto the street with very little to no regard for what was occuring. The sight of three police cars parked warily next to one another in the middle of the street is pretty commonplace. There's always something going on that warrants police attention, whether it be a water main break on Lindell or simply a wayward cat. However, as it turns out, I caught the tail-end of the reading of Miranda rights, and personally saw the alleged criminal being double handcuffed before being escorted into the backseat of the squad car. Supposedly, the shiny and new pristine-looking Escalade that he was driving wasn't his. Judging by the number of weighty gold chains hanging from his neck and the "ghetto-fab" apparel he was was donning, I probably wouldn't have given a second thought or further discernment on the topic of ownership. But then again, I apparently don't have that instinctual je ne sais quoi for upholding justice and obstructing illicit crime.


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