Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Resolution 2006

I have in the past, been notoriously aloof to the very idea of a New Year's resolution, as any preliminary psychology book will detail a Stages of Change module that indicates a self-induced motivator as the first step to altering some facet of lifestyle. Moreover, this want and need for modification must come from something more deep seated than a flip of the calendar. Guilt, peer pressure, or "doing it because it's expected", in most circumstances, simply doesn't cut it. People are apt to give up their resounding, indigant, steadfast resolutions before the the frost dissipates to welcome youthful tulips of spring.

But even in utmost advocation of precedence within the language of statistics, it's difficult to overlook the optimism and the shimmer of hope in lieu of very discouraging ratios. And thus I do take much comfort when I see that the gym is overrun by sweaty, huffy people who haven't seen a treadmill since last January, and I am genuinely brightened to hear that a friend is trying to give up his/her own personal vice. For what is life without the promise of improvement and progress, either to oneself or to the larger majority? And isn't it ultimately paramount to try and subsequently fail, than to have never attempted at all?

And so the last bell has rung, indicating that the extended brawl and copious verbal sparring by the cynic and the optimist has concluded, and the quick witted, ever so clever optimist is the undisputed champion. Perhaps even one person's steady resolve will impact us all profoundly, even if not all are successful.

Following this rather winding train of thought, I of course have my own resolution(s). First and foremost, I sincerely pledge to myself that in this year as well as the successive years to come, I will appreciate all the fortunate circumstances that have brought me to this point in my life thus far, for which I am certainly undeserving. In so many moments I have found myself ungrateful for the many blessings I've been bestowed, and thus I hope to accomplish this goal resolutely, if not just for the sake of others, but for the betterment of myself.


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