Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The dreaded "w" world

I've been thinking a lot lately about timing. There's a good time for starting relationships, for schooling, moving, and a number of potentially life-altering scenarios. It's funny then, that a lot of these decisions are based on nothing more than a whim, a feeling, that indiciates either the timing is "right or not". Sometimes everything miraculously falls into place, and for that one solitary moment in time contentment seems almost plausible. But in contrast, there are those much more common occurences when the overly dramatic inner child really really wants to throw a fitful tantrum because the world feels like it is collapsing around me. I suppose if I were to truly choose, I would assume the stance of neither/nor. Metaphorically speaking, all the balls are still up in the air, but haven't yet made the decision to either remain there or fall to the ground. I guess that's what a lot of life is-- waiting...

And with that, I'll just have to wait until I feel like writing about my next thought of the moment.


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