Monday, May 15, 2006


My completely embarrassing, tawdry secret that I have qualms about sharing with others? In the semi-privacy of my car, I absolutely love singing along with the sappiest, and more often than not, trite, country songs. Throw in some “twang” and a sad story line, and I'm a complete sucker for it. There, I’ve gone and done it. The secret is officially out for all to know. Judge me if you will. :)


At 11:01 AM , Blogger ~stacey~ said...

I never would have imagined that! But it's not a bad thing; I do the same. If you want some old school twangy type stuff that's fun, pick up Hank & Hank greatest hits. LOL

At 7:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well well well, I won’t tell anybody if you don’t! But you have to hand it to those country songs they’ve spawned some great cheesy lines alas I don’t think “hey freshness, why don’t you come over here and be my precious” (A Thread in a week’s worth of fabric: 16/09/04) was one of them, thank goodness. Steve :-) o and consider yourself judged although iam not sure of your punishment yet.


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